This is my time to give you a little information about pediatric Bipolar disorder. My daughter suffers from this dibilitating emotional disorder.
Bipolar disorder (also known as manic-depression) is a serious but treatable medical illness. It is a disorder of the brain marked by extreme changes in mood, energy, thinking and behavior. Symptoms may be present since infancy or early childhood, or may suddenly emerge in adolescence or adulthood. Until recently, a diagnosis of the disorder was rarely made in childhood. Doctors can now recognize and treat bipolar disorder in young children.
Early intervention and treatment offer the best chance for children with emerging bipolar disorder to achieve stability, gain the best possible level of wellness, and grow up to enjoy their gifts and build upon their strengths. Proper treatment can minimize the adverse effects of the illness on their lives and the lives of those who love them.
Families of affected children and adolescents are almost always baffled by early-onset bipolar disorder and are desperate for information and support. In this section of the CABF web site, you will find answers to some of the most common questions asked about the disorder. How common is it???
How common is bipolar disorder in children?
It is not known, because epidemiological studies are lacking. However, bipolar disorder affects an estimated 1-2 percent of adults worldwide. The more we learn about this disorder, the more prevalent it appears to be among children.
* It is suspected that a significant number of children diagnosed in the United States with attention-deficit disorder with hyperactivity (ADHD) have early-onset bipolar disorder instead of, or along with, ADHD.
* Depression in children and teens is usually chronic and relapsing. According to several studies, a significant proportion of the 3.4 million children and adolescents with depression in the United States may actually be experiencing the early onset of bipolar disorder, but have not yet experienced the manic phase of the illness.So what is a day like for parents with a child of bipolar disorder??? click the link to find out!
So what can you do to help these wonderful children? Check the link below to find out.
Here is a link to most of the information that was provided today.......
And for a fabulous book that will be a learning experience all on it's own.........
To most people it's an aweful issue children have to face so here is a picture of my daughter to let you know that now BIPOLAR DISORDER has become personal.