I know we are just getting to know each other,but i feel like we have made a connection. I know it sounds stupid and I always have this way of leaping before I should. I guess this is just the romantic in me. I wish I lived in Indiana though. That way I could see his face. Pictures are different because you really can't see what I'm looking for. The touch of his face, the smile when he has a deap, belly laugh or what he looks like when he is talking to me. I'm not totally sure he is my "MC Dreamy" but I hope I get the chance to find out. I'll see if and when he reads this whether he wants more contact over the phone. It isn't a test but this is me. I write about situation, moments or people that matter to me! It was rather funny he wrote me saying that he was interested in me and it kinda freaked me out. I guess you get so used to significant males in your life telling you what you have become is not what they no longer need or want. It took me quite sometime to write him back because I was scared that i was jumping in to quick. I was worried about making the wrong decision. My mom told me that I was just scared because the way this guy sounded he could be good for me too. She was right, I have not regreted writing that first message to him. If I hadn't written him then I would have never gotten the chance to meet someone intelligent, artistic, hardworking and funny. I hope I hear from him this weekend because If I don't my therapist will hear about it next week!! KWIM...lol. For you ezgoingguy I think you could rock my world and i think that is what scares me the most. That you may not feel the same connection that i feel. But I'll take it one conversation at a time. Maybe one day soon will get to meet and see each other!
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