ME!!!! I was just selected as the top 20 for scrapping with the stars on Coordinate Collections. I'm so excited. Check it out.....!
Here it is:
Alicia Merrifield
Amber Curtis
Anna Bjorklund
Catherine Grand-Perret
Christie Wright
Jamie Brown
Jessica Salber
Jill Cornell
Julianna Connolly
Kathy Van Essen
Kristin Baxter
Kristin Schultz
Linda Dias
Mary Jane Field
Michelle Jo Klomp
Mikaela Rudher
Rebecca Bose
Tiffany Bryant
Tiffany Rice
Yvette Patko
OMGosh!!! WTG Girl! Your work RAWKS! Big Congrats To U!
wahoo congrats Christi!
Good for people to know.
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