Ok well invitations are going out today! I'm so proud of myself this year! Last year I was so stressed around this time! Amazing what a little bit of separation will do for you. I was able to think! Think about my son and not Chris for once! Last week I was able to set up Noah's birthday party and order his cake! Today I'm sending out his invitations for his party! Most of his little friends are coming because I called them first. Oh this is the joys of motherhood right here. I can't believe he is turning 5! I remembered last night what it was like to hold him in my arms for the first time and it was awesome! I cried for joy that day and i never will forget it! I always had my plans to wait for children after my career! Well I believe God just has this way of planning everything for you! Forget your plans you just don't have any! I think what saddends me about this time of year is I wonder if he understands and knows what this means. He is no longer my baby boy he's turning into a big Kid! I think now that is why I want more children. I no longer have a little baby to hold. They grow up so fast!! Maybe on day that will happen but thank the Lord I have the two that I have. Some people have never expierence the joy of having a child. They may want everything in this world but they are so worth every sleepless night, every dirty diaper and every heartache that I have expierenced in these past 5 years! I know that one day he will be on his own and that is cool! I know for the next 13 years he will be mine to love and teach and I can show him that he is ok just the way he is right now! Well now I have to clean up my face I look like a Dang water faucet! Uggghh Look what Men do to ya! LOL ! I have to get motherly duties done!
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