Monday, March 27, 2006

My new hairstyle!!!!

I went to the Hair salon yesterday looking to change something about my hair ! I needed a a spring do. Well this is what I came out with! I received the strangest looks! Why so strange I thought?! I thought about it for awhile! Then I had one of those AHA moments! Ok I'm 31 a mom of 2 and I live in conservative central! ok now I have my answer! I guess there is not that much room for creatively beautiful people! Look When My son was 2 I colored my hair Crayola red just to be artistic just to mark my 30th birthday!! I love being artsy and a little out of the box! I even let my 7 year old daughter choose what style she wanted and trust me It runs in the genetics!! This is me ! Love me or hate if you want but I love being who I am!!

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